Gummy Smile treatment In Dubai

The Perfect Gum-to-Tooth Ratio

Gummy Smile is a condition where the upper teeth appear too short due to excessive gum tissue covering the teeth. Thanks to advanced treatments now available to remove excess gum tissue, we can resolve the issue through minimally invasive procedures such as aesthetic crown lengthening or non-surgical lip repositioning, enabling patients to smile again with confidence. 

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Gummy Smile Causes

Gummy Smile condition may happen when one or more of the following occurs:

While an ideal smile is a personal preference, there are clinical measurements and causes for a gummy smile. It is therefore important to start with a clinical assessment of your smile and gingival health with a health professional with scientific and aesthetic experience, such as a periodontist Dr. Mayyas Joudi. He can perform an examination, consult with you to design the best treatment for your situation, and answer any questions you may have.

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Benefits of Gummy Treatments

Improved Appearance

Correcting a gummy smile can contribute to an overall more balanced and harmonious facial appearance, increasing your confidence and aesthetics of your smile.

Improved Oral Hygiene

Gum contouring can make it easier to maintain oral hygiene by eliminating excess gum tissue, reducing the risk of gum disease.

Balanced Smile

Reducing excessive gum display creates a more balanced and harmonious smile, where the teeth and gums are proportionate.

Types of Gummy Smile Treatments

The great news is that a qualified periodontist with proper skills, education, and experience can help you achieve a more confident,  harmonious, and balanced smile through one of more various procedures.  Whether you have too much gum tissue or the natural positioning of your lips reveals too much of your upper gums, there are several common treatments to help you fix your gummy smile. 


A gingivectomy is a dental surgical procedure that involves the removal of gum tissue, or gingiva. This procedure is typically performed to treat gum disease or to remove excess gum tissue for aesthetic or functional reasons.

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a similar treatment to gingivectomy, but it involves recontouring some bone tissue in addition to gum tissue. The more common scenario with excessive gingival display is that the healthy tooth structure we want to expose is hidden under both gum and bone.

Lip Repositioning

Lip Repositioning is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that adjusts the upper lip to correct a gummy smile. The most common surgery for lip repositioning is to remove part of the inner lip, allowing it to lower when smiling to cover the excessive display of the upper gums.

Pairing with Veneers

When pairing veneers or crowns with a gummy smile treatment such as a gingivectomy, crown lengthening, or lip repositioning procedures, you can achieve your dream smile. Just take a look at these two beautiful cases done at MyoSmile that paired gum surgery and lip repositioning, with beautiful porcelain veneers. 

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