Gum recession treatment In Dubai

Professional Gum Recession Treatment

Receding gums, also known as gingival recession, can be a serious issue for anyone concerned with their oral health. It’s a form of gum disease and refers to when the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth, often causing tooth sensitivity, pain, and even tooth loss if left untreated. Visit our Periodontist Specialist, Dr. Mayyas Joudi, if you have associated symptoms or are concerned with your gum health. 

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Gum Recession:
Symptoms and Causes

Gum Recession is noticeable in day-to-day life, and you may begin to notice symptoms of receding gums like:

Gum recession is a very gradual process, and many people don’t realize they have receding gums until it’s already occurring. Here are some of the causes of gum recession:

Receding Gums Cartoon

Types of Gum Grafts

When preventive measure are no longer an option, our expert Periodontist might recommend a Gum Grafting procedure if gum recession is affecting your health or your appearance.

Free Gingival Grafts

Free tissue grafts also involve using your own tissue from your palate. However, instead of taking an underlying layer of tissue, the periodontist removes tissue directly from the top layer of skin on the palate. Periodontists mainly use this method for people who have thin gums to begin with.

Connective Tissue Grafts

A connective tissue graft uses your own tissue from the roof of your mouth. Our periodontist makes a small incision and removes a section of subepithelial tissue. That’s the layer of tissue under the skin’s surface layer. At this point, our periodontist has prepped the area where the tissue will go. They’ve also created a kind of “pocket” for the subepithelial tissue to fit into, like an envelope. They then place the tissue in the pocket along the tooth or teeth that need grafting and sew it into place. Finally, they sew together both pockets in the roof of your mouth and along your tooth or teeth. Periodontists commonly use this method to treat root exposure.

Alloderm Grafts

Periodontists primarily perform allografting when a patient needs multiple teeth grafts and can’t supply enough of their own gum tissue to cover the area. Though using your own tissue is preferable (because it usually yields better results), allografting is a good way to go if you can’t. In this procedure, our periodontist uses medically processed, donated human tissue as a tissue source for the graft. As a patient, you have one definite advantage: You don’t need a donor site from your palate, so you have less pain.

At MyoSmile Polyclinic in Dubai,  we offer various types of Gum Recession Gum Grafting options for your convenience. 


Benefits of Gum Grafting

Reduced Sensitivity
When the tooth root becomes exposed, eating or drinking hot or cold foods can cause extreme sensitivity to the teeth. Gum grafting surgery permanently covers the exposed root, helps reduce discomfort, and restores the good health of the gums.

Improved Appearance
Periodontal disease is characterized by gum recession and inflammation. Gum recession and root exposure can make the teeth look longer than normal and the smile to appear “toothy.” Gum grafting can make the teeth look shorter, more symmetrical and generally more pleasing to look at. In addition, adjacent tissue can be enhanced and augmented during the procedure for aesthetic purposes.

Improved Gum Health
Periodontal disease can progress and destroy gum tissue very rapidly. If left untreated, a large amount of gum tissue can be lost in a short period of time. Gum grafting can help halt tissue and bone loss; preventing further problems and protecting exposed roots from further decay.

Complications of Ignoring Gum Recession Symptoms:

Increased Sensitivity

As gum recession occurs, the exposed tooth roots become susceptible to sensitivity. When the protective gum tissue recedes, the underlying dentin becomes exposed.

Gum Disease

Gum recession often leads to a higher risk of developing gum disease. When the gums recede, they create pockets or gaps between the teeth and the gumline. These pockets become ideal breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, plaque, and tartar buildup.

Tooth Decay

With gum recession, the exposed tooth roots lack the protective covering of gum tissue. This makes them more vulnerable to tooth decay. The root surfaces are softer and more prone to erosion by acids and bacteria. If decay progresses unchecked, it can lead to cavities, root canal infections, and potential tooth loss.

Aesthetics and Smile Confidence

Gum recession can negatively impact the appearance of your smile. As the gumline recedes, it can create an uneven or “long tooth” appearance, making the teeth look disproportionate or older.

Tooth Mobility and Loss

In advanced gum recession, the supporting structures of teeth can weaken, leading to mobility and potential tooth loss. Timely professional treatment is essential to restore gum health, prevent further loss, and preserve natural teeth.

Jawbone Deterioration

Untreated gum recession can cause jawbone deterioration due to insufficient support from gums and tooth roots, potentially altering facial structure and leading to a sunken appearance. Professional intervention can slow this deterioration, preserving oral health and facial aesthetics.

It’s crucial to recognize these potential complications early on. At MyoSmile Polyclinic, we conduct comprehensive evaluations to identify the risks and provide effective solutions. Don’t wait for the pain; proactive care can save you from major dental troubles down the line.

Our Expert Periodontist:

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